Shrimp molting process


Has anyone had a problem with there shrimp dying after they have molted. I have had my fire blood shrimp for 2 weeks, he molted about 3 days ago, and I found him dead about a half hr ago. My water test came back good, just wondering if anyone has had some shrimp die after they have molted.


MY first cleaner shrimp died like that, i wondered the same thing. Turns out, i totally forgot from zoology class, shrimp and all crustaceans who molt, need iodine in order to create their outer shell again and survive. So after the molting process if they lack iodine they are susceptable to everything.
So go to your local lfs and pick up a little bottle of iodine. I have a 30 gallon tank, and i only put about 1/2 a cap full in the tank once a week. My shrimp is great, has molted numerous times, and is getting almost big enough to eat! (Not like i would anyway)
I think that's probably your problem as well. Let me know how things go.


It's 2 a.m. in michigan and I cant stop thinking about this. I added a six line wrasse a day or two before my shrimp molted. I know the LFS I bought it from has copper in there tanks. But if I got copper in my tank, what I would have to figure the shrimp would have died sooner than he did. Wonder if I have a overdose of Iodine in my tank? All other inverts seem fine. I just orderd a copper test, guess I will just have to see.


Meh, it's 2 am here too :p
Hmm, if you already do the iodine...hum i wonder. Maybe just a bad shrimp? Could be possible.Is he eating enough? Are all your other chemistry levels stable? Anyone in your tank who might pick on the bugger? Not sure, jsut trying to think of some possibilities for ya.


I apreciate your help, like I said I am still thinking. Nothing in my tank botherd that shrimp. Lots of live rock to hide in. I always made sure when I feed the tank, he gets fed. I am just concerned for the rest of my tank. I checked the shrimp when I pulled him out, there were no bite marks on him, so I dont think anything was messing with him while his new shell was hardening. I just wonder if I got a bad shrimp?!? He was in a tank with probably 20 other blood shrimp. Wonder if he was just stressed out, and it was a matter of time before he passed?!? Like I said, thanks again!


You might want to look at your other live stock. I had a coral banded that had molted 6 or 7 times with no problems. He did die the last time because a Damsel I have which is now 4 inches long decided he would make a good meal. I found a couple of pieces in different locations in the tank. You should just see if you have a critter that likes crusteations.
good luck


Active Member

Originally posted by rvdfn420
I apreciate your help, like I said I am still thinking. Nothing in my tank botherd that shrimp. Lots of live rock to hide in. I always made sure when I feed the tank, he gets fed. I am just concerned for the rest of my tank. I checked the shrimp when I pulled him out, there were no bite marks on him, so I dont think anything was messing with him while his new shell was hardening. I just wonder if I got a bad shrimp?!? He was in a tank with probably 20 other blood shrimp. Wonder if he was just stressed out, and it was a matter of time before he passed?!? Like I said, thanks again!

You have 20 shrimp in a 30 gal?
He may not of been getting enough food... I had 3 pepermints in my 65 and they would eat like they've never been feed. Take food from one another..Mabe he slowly starved...He may have been getting SOME food, but not enough:confused:


I believe he meant the tank from which he got him from in the pet store had 20 other shrimp in it, not his own tank. :)


Active Member

Originally posted by AshenWolf
I believe he meant the tank from which he got him from in the pet store had 20 other shrimp in it, not his own tank. :)

Ahhh I SEE said the blind man!


LOL, I orderd a copper test kit, just see if some got in the tank from the LFS. My other inverts are all fine, so I wonder if it was just his time?!? If it was copper I figure my 11 hermits and 8 snails would have died, right along with my RBTA and red and black saddle back clown (fire clown) which are very sensitive to trace ammounts of copper.


Its my understanding that most synthetic salts are already very high in iodine and regular water changes are plenty for the iodine needed in the tank. I only use iodine for dipping corals.

bang guy

There are no known crustaceans that require Iodine to molt. That is a myth. The shrimp was probably molting excessively to remove the Iodine from its body. That is one of the ways they remove toxins.
My guess is that your Iodine level exceeded NSW levels and that caused the death of your shrimp.


I was thinking either , too much Iodine or copper. I stopped adding Iodine about 2 weeks ago, so the level should be back down to normal. Cause my copper test cameback 0. Well thanks again everyone! :)