shrimp w/ hawkfish


Active Member
I have heard some people have success with it and some don't. I want a hawkfish too but I won't risk it.


Active Member
if your not set on the cleaner shrimp, you may have better luck with a pistol shrimp since they will buurow. just an idea.


I don't have any personal experience with this fish but my friends hawkfish ate both of his cleaner shrimp.


i wanted a cleaner shrimp for the benefit of hopefully eating unwanted parasites, i don't want a wrasse b/c i don't want sentence a fish to death and i heard of cleaner goby's but i didn't see any on this site.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socalracer
i wanted a cleaner shrimp for the benefit of hopefully eating unwanted parasites, i don't want a wrasse b/c i don't want sentence a fish to death and i heard of cleaner goby's but i didn't see any on this site.

They are listed on this site under gobies as "neon gobies". I love my neon goby, he is always on the fish. I have never seen my cleaner shrimp clean.