shrimp with eggs???


Rec coral branded shrimp.. I have two in tank and one has a large purple or blue area on the belly.. is this eqqs or not. it is about 1/2 to 3/4 in long and 1/4 in wide..if so how long do they take to hatch and what usually happens to them..


It is pretty common for shrimp to get pregnant in tanks. Usually the shrimp has the babies at night when the lights go out. This provides your tank with some good free food. Trying to raise these guys is close to impossible, even for experts with all their sophisticated equipment. I never made it past the five day stage with my cleaner shrimps babies despite all the research and attempts.
[ September 03, 2001: Message edited by: corky ]


Active Member
Did you buy a mated pair of CBS? If not, watch out for them fighting!(to the death) :(