Shrimp with eggs


Active Member
When I bought my cleaner shrimp it had eggs (so it seemed), and now the eggs are not there, it did not lay them or anything, its like they dissapeared, is this normal, has nybody else had this happen? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


Active Member
every time they molt, they give birth, which happens every 2 or 3 weeks(roughly), and rearing them is difficult, you need 2, one to lay and the other to fertilize the eggs, but in aquariums t is very difficult, between the filters and pumps and fish and crustacean eating inverts, odds are high against breeding them successfully, otherwise, they would be more inexpensive
to answer you, if you have fish, they probably ate them, or he pumps may have gotten them, every time ours does, our bengaii carcinal has a feast at night


Yes it is normal. I sure wished it was not the case. I am thinking of doing a tank just for the shrimp and see if I have any luck.


The female shrimp can produce eggs without any male, but the eggs will not be fertile, and will just become fish food. Its all in luck.


Active Member
cleaners need a mate, yes, but they all posess both male and female organs, just having 2 will do the job, the trick is getting the fry to rear, most are gone in a night(if not all)


New Member
Hey fshhub, have you tried raising any and if so any advice? I was able to see newly hatch babies in my tank Tuesday night. I had no way to care for them at the time so they became coral and fish food.
I am trying to get prepared for the next bunch and take a shot at raising them. I would be very thankful for any advice from you are anyone else who has tried.


no, i have not, i think it would be neat, but right now, bengaii and scooter love to see them(as much or more than my other inhabitants), but quite regularly i do see them at night(every time they molt), and it is fun to watch the bengaii, he is so easy to spot too, we have though t about trying to move them to teh Q tank, when it is tiem, jsut to see, but have not gottten to it yet
if i were gonna try, i would wait til they were ready to molt, and have a tank ready, and empty from fish adn such, and move them in there, with minimal circulation, and alot of screen over the pump intakes
good luck and HTH


you might want to check out this site breeding of the cleaner shrimp
<a href="" target="_blank">cleaner shrimp</a>


New Member
Thanks for the link fshhub/karlas. I think I will try to keep it simple if that's possible. My greatest concern is feeding. The link suggest enriched brine shrimp naupli. I have the brine shimp eggs, vitamin supplement, and phytoplankton. Hopefully this is will be a good start.