

New Member
I am wondering how many shrimp I would be able to keep in a 12 gallon reef tank? I have been looking and there are 4 different species I would like, a cleaner shrimp, a pistol shrimp, a fire shrimp, and a sexy shrimp and I feel like this might be too many. I also plan on keeping 2-3 small fish. Let me know what you think. Thanks.
It depends on how much you feed them, but I wouldn't want them crowded, maybe one or two for color, I would be more concerned with fish than shrimp. I have two, the cleaner is fun to watch, the peppermint hides mostly.


Active Member
I also have a 12 gallon and a Nano book I read last week stated 1 ornamental (cleaner, fire, pistol) for a Nano and maybe a peppermint or two since they aren't as large.
I have one cleaner in my 12g and its antennae "wing span" is quite large.
That is just my 2 cents, feel free to keep the change.
Good luck,