

I started my 29g bio cube almost 2 years ago now.
I have:
a clown
a sixline
a yellow belly damsel
a royal gamma
2 mushrooms
and a cony.
I have had a couple of different shrimp.Each time they have molted they have died.
My water tests are fine.
Any thoughts as to why this maybe happening ?
Not going to buy them if after their first molt " for me" they die.


water change every 2 weeks. I add no suppliments to my tank.
Prefer to keep things as natural as possible.


Well-Known Member
Ok that could b the issue. They need iodine to molt properly. I do weekly water changes and mine seem fine. I don't dose iodine tho


Well-Known Member
NEVER EVER dose anything in your tank before you test your water, and deterine if you need the suppliment. Too mush iodine will poison the tank.

bang guy

Also, Shrimp do not require Iodine in the water to molt properly. That's a 30 year old myth that just doesn't want to die. They do need a nutritious diet.


My cleaner shrimp molted 3 times before it died.
My blood shrimp 2x's
What is their life expectancy ?
Cold the FS be selling oldies ?
I agree Flower.I never have put anything chemical in my tank.
Thanks for the replies guys.

bang guy

I only have my experience to judge life expectancy so I could be low. What species was your Cleaner Shrimp? I had a pair of Blood Cleaners that lived 4 years, my oldest Peppermint Cleaner was 2.5 years but most lived slightly less than that, My Skunk Cleaners all lived about 3 years.
If yoou could post your water parameter test results that is a lot more helpful than "fine". Peppermint Cleaners like cooler water (75 - 83F) and Skunk Cleaners prefer warmer water (80F - 90F). All prefer full salinity but the Peppermint Cleaners can tolerate as low as 32ppt as long as it doesn't ever get low quickly.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///t/395374/shrimp#post_3519853
Also, Shrimp do not require Iodine in the water to molt properly. That's a 30 year old myth that just doesn't want to die. They do need a nutritious diet.
I knew I liked you for a reason... ;-)
FWIW, we've had peps live for about 5 years (found some "oldies" when I moved a tank, and they were good sized at that point), had a cranky ol' CBS for about 8 years (the tank crashed after a move, lost the shrimp). Renee had a skunk cleaner for about 4 years.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I think this would be a good time to educate hobbyists on Iodide and mottling as opposed to iodine and molting


My temperature,could very well have been the issue.
It runs between 77- 85,in the summer.That is when I lift the lid.
Can't afford a chiller.
So I guess my best bet is lots of snails and hermits.


Active Member
a sixline
a yellow belly damsel
a royal gamma
I would have to bet that one of these fish is responsible to for the death of the shrimp.


Water temp is one of my most annoying issues with my Bio Cube.
Played and played with my heater.Just recently have managed to keep it at 78 degrees.
Now that summer is coming, I will be having to really watch what it is doing.