Shrimps Disappearing!


Hey guys here is my situation
When I first begin my tank i bought 2 cleaner shrimps (skunk shrimp) One died for some odd reason and th other one stayed alive for about 5 months and then died too. So then I bought 2 more. The first one disappeared!!!! NO site of it. All of its remains were gone. Makes no sense. I have no aggressive fish the in tank. couple of days ago, the second one dissappears!!!!! I dont understand, what in gods name is going on.
FYI: I have a long tentacle anemone. ( which is on the opposite site of where the shrimp is based.)
Please help


New Member
not that it's the exact situation... but I had a royal gramma completely disappear for about a week, I thought it died and my crab ate it's remains. But then out of no where it just showed up again.


Active Member
It is important to know all of your tank inhabitants...but equally important to remember that shrimp die pretty commonly and many things will eat the remains. So, IMO, when we say something "ate" something else, there are two possibilities: it died and was eaten or it was caught and eaten. It is important to not jump to conclusions. That being said, watcha got in there?


Dhav? What kind of LR do you have in your tank? Do you hear any type of clicking noises when you're "staring" at your LR?
If your shrimp are "disappearing", there is a chance you could have a mantis in your tank. They will disable a shrimp in a very short time, and usually leave very little, if anything behind to show for it.
Just a thought...:rolleyes: