Shrinking Lettuce Nudibranch


Looking for some help on this strange one...
Added a lettuce nudibranch to my 35 Hex about 7 weeks ago. At the time I added it, it was ~2 inches long. It has steadily decreased in size and is now only about 3/4 of an inch long.
There is a variety of algae in the tank, and plenty of it and I have seen it grazing happily.
Does the Nudi require a separate diet of some sort? Everything I read was that Lettuce Nudis (sea slugs) just ate algae.
Has anyone else had the 'shrinking' problem?
Thanks for the help in advance...:confused: :eek:

czech it

New Member
I don't have an answer but mine seems to be doing the same with no obvious causes. i've also seen the same thing in a past tank of mine to the point where i never saw it again. I'm going to try and find an answer.

czech it

New Member
so it seems The lettuce nudibranch isnt really fit for aquariums. i've found(only through other forums and internet articles) that right off the bat it's life span is a max of 6-12 months. so unless your able to breed them they will have to be replenished. also, It's natural diet is believed to be certain species of Halimeda and Caulerpa. the shrinking we are seeing is probably them slowly starving to death. so as much as i love seeing it in my tank turns out its not very practical and not well suited to survive in tanks.