Shriveling shrooms


Active Member
I have some shrooms that are not looking well at all. Shriveled up, most of them and going dark. Everything else in tank looks great and water parameters are good. About a dozen of them on one rock. I moved them from top of tank to bottom and now under a ledge to see what makes them happy. Nothing it seems. Any ideas? Will they come back or most likely goners?

the claw

Active Member
Have you checked your iodine levels lately? They tend to like it, and if your not doing regular water changes, and are skimming, you may have depleted it. Don't just add some, because you can add too much really easily and thats toxic to your other inhabitants.


doodle, I had the same thing happen to some lime green shrooms. I had a rock with about 20 shrooms, and one by one they shriveled up and disconnected from the rock. They never reattached. All my levels were ok, and all my other corals were fine. I think maybe sometimes you can just get a bad specimen, bad luck.


Active Member
I had some purple shrooms do this. They finally disconnected and disappeared. I found them later when moving some rock from one tank to another, they found a dark spot in the rocks to take up residence. They'll look for light and water flow to their liking.


Active Member
ok - thanks guys.. I'll check iodine level and see if they do better somewhere else in tank. I did move them from left side of tank to right a week ago....


Active Member
Kip - you say get them out ASAP if they are oosing. Should I get the whole rock out or just cut the ones away that seem to be ill? I do have a 10 gal setup with nothing in it cept some LR. 30 watt 50/50 bulb in it. Should I move it in there?


those big brown ones look fine to me,were they next to anything that could sting them? high water flow will also make them unhappy...


Active Member
Its not the large brown ones - its the ones next to them - all dark and shriveled... moved them so we'll see what happens..