
Do mushrooms move?
I had one on the other side of my tank today, and am wondering do they search out better locations, or did something bust it loose, and it floated over there?
It was attempting to attach it's foot to live sand, I moved it by hand, and put it's foot in a like-sized hole in the rock, and it looks happy.


yes they will move around if not happy where they are at. They will move their foot/stem that attaches to a rock to move short distances, and if they really do not like where they are at they will detach themselves completely and float around the tank until they land somewhere they like. I currently have a red shroom that somehow made it from my display all the way to my fuge and has attached itself there.
I am glad it was loose, as My shrooms came attached to a live rock,(which had a large dead clam hitch hicker jammed in it preaty good)
I would prefer they all move off the rock, and into the rock that I already have.
Could I facilitate this movement by placing the main lr close to the light, or a powerhead?


yes pointing a PH at them will get them to move most of the time. It's a slow process though so don't expect them to move overnight like an anemone would. I would not move them closer to the light as that may get them to move but also may kill them if the light is too intense for them to adjust to.