Shrooms and zoos


Active Member
i love hairy mushmush i hve a few pink ones that are very preaty. mine poop alot though. and one night i was looking at them closly and there were 2 little brown bugs eatng them so i grabbed my long twezzers and went over tht rock with fine toothed comb. i havent seen anymore bugs but im sure i prolly missed one.


The lfs just called them colored zoos(zoanthids). Any one know how fast they can spread and will they move to another rock if I lean them up against it? I've heard you can cut one mushroom into 4 pieces and put fishing line through it to hold it to a rock and it will look like a perfectly round mushroom in about 2 weeks to a month. Any one have any expeirence with this?


Love the mushrooms! We almost got a smaller piece like that one this past weekend, but went with button polys and blue striped shrooms instead. The LFS wanted $80 for probably about 7 large sized mushrooms. Is that a good price? I have no idea...we're learning.


Got 18 hairy mushrooms on the rock for $34.99. The zoos where $40.00. The pest anemone I am trying to identify they through in for free!


Originally Posted by supalupa
Got 18 hairy mushrooms on the rock for $34.99. The zoos where $40.00. The pest anemone I am trying to identify they through in for free!
Very nice indeed, good deal!


Active Member
Very nice mushrooms , I have the same ones,they split into 2 and sometimes 3. It takes about 2 days to split ,I find they do this when they get really big.