Shrooms Away


New Member
My mushroom has detached itself from the LR and is now rolling around on the bottom. What should I do? Still looks healthy. Params are good. Lighting is T5 Nova Extreme 4x65, 2 10k, 2 460nm.
you can do a number of things....
#1 you can let it roll around the will possibly attach to a rock
#2 you can get a tupperware and get pannyhose or bridal material or mesh(plastic not metal) and rubberband that to the top of the open tupperware
and leave either sand or lr rubble in the bottom of the tupperware and eventually it will attack to sand which u can superglue to a rock or lr rubble where you can place somewhere....
well now im out of breath...if u need something just ask


New Member
Thanks for the info. I decided to let it do it's thing and it eventually re-attached to some live rock lower in the tank.


New Member
Can't really tell.
It popped out of a hole in a piece of LR in the back of the tank. Just have to keep an eye on the hole. The mushroom that was in it, would come out and cover the hole during the day and slump back in the hole at night. Now it's on the side of a piece of LR, but like I mentioned above, can't see it unless I look down into the tank. Will have to see about getting some more and placing them where they can be seen.