


Nice Looking...
I have a small rock with about 8 on them. Iv'e been pondering wether to make an attemp to actually propogate them by hand or just hope they split/move/have kids on their own. How long does it take to see if they do it by themselves?


They seem to split before your eyes. Trust me on this!!!! You do not have to do anything. They do very well on their own. They are floating on the bottom of my tank so I have been trying to place them in between other rocks. If they like the placement, they stay, if not, they float around until they get comfortable.


New Member
I have a 70 gal reef with about a hundred mushrooms I've had them for over 20 yrs in my tank and they adapt to conditions well especially after generation after generation. I have some that are about 5-6" dia. They're the most durable thing I've ever kept (alive that is LOL). Nice Pic


How do you attach your photo on those shrooms? They look so rich in color? I try to attach my photo and I have a difficult time
sizing my photo to fit. What do you use???:notsure:


Active Member
I have about 30-40 in this tank. I traded with a guy from here, and the rock he gave me just took off from where it already was.


New Member

Originally posted by cprdnick
I have about 30-40 in this tank. I traded with a guy from here, and the rock he gave me just took off from where it already was.

Does anyone have shrooms that secrete a mucus type substance?? I can't figure out what it is. All my levels seem O.K.:help:


My shrooms seem too secrete mucus when I get into the tank and clean. It is a protection mechanism for the mushrooms. Its a posion to keep preators away.:joy:


New Member
Thanks for the help. Do I have to wory about that poison hurting anthing else in my tank?:notsure:


Active Member

Originally posted by conk
How do you attach your photo on those shrooms? They look so rich in color? I try to attach my photo and I have a difficult time
sizing my photo to fit. What do you use???:notsure:

I use this free download , someone here suggested it awhile back. Once downloaded and opened, go to step 1 (open)--find your pic. Skip down to options and change width to 400 (height will set itself, leave all else alone). Go to Step 2 (resize)--you'll see it change. Next step 3 (save as)--remember to pull down the "save as type" and save it in JPEG/Bitmap format. I usually rename mine since it keeps the older version also. Then I know which one to delete later. HTH :)