

I am about to the point where I am going to buy my first corals. I do have 2 LR now that have some mushrooms... 1 watermelon mushroom and 3 pimply looking red mushrooms. My problem is that my watermelon and 1 of my red mushrooms have suddenly retreated into the hole they are growning out of. Another of my red ones looks like it's about 1/4 the size it usually is and yet another is still wide open. All of these mushrooms are only about 6 inches from each other. I regularly test my water, with the latest test being last night. Here are my water parameters...
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 10-20
pH: 8.0
I also tested kH, but I don't remember the value. It was on the lower end of the "safe" scale. I had the typical NO light that comes with an aquarium, but about 1 month ago, I got a 20" coralife aqualight 96w with a quad bulb with 50% actinic blue and 50% 10,000k. I have had these mushrooms for 2-3 months. They did fine in the NO lighting and they did OK in my new lighting until just recently. Any ideas?


New Member
hmm...... I am wondering if mabye you have a power- head or something making an exess current that could be stressing your mushrooms........
All of your water parameters are pretty good....
Normal output aquarium lighting is not really a good idea even for soft corals.... I'm glad you upgraded your system...


New Member
Oh....and I just noticed that you have a 35gal hex tank.... I am assuming that this tank is taller than it is wide...right?..
Just remeber that although these tanks look pretty cool you have remeber that they can not be stocked anywhere near as crowded as long tanks..... There is simply not enough surface area...
Do you add a regular calcium supplement?