shrunk anemone


Originally Posted by gb387
not sure its 'normal' but I have two and both do the same thing all the time.
I was just going to post about this also...........Started 2 days ago---it looked like it was going to split, then tucked all its tentacles into itself, then shrunk to nothing and got "flat". Next morning, it was ok looking, then by the end of the day it migrated some, and "deflated", and looked dead. Now it's all puffed up again, looking alright.
My water parameters are fine, so who knows???????


well i paniced and got him out of there, then changed 15gal of water. while i was doing this he was sitting in a bucket and started to spring back to life. He even attached himself to the bottom of the bucket. long story short he is back in the tank and i did a needed water change.


Yes, they are fine. They are just flushing their system out. They will deflate sometimes everyday or sometimes every couple days. When an anemone dies it looks like it is melting and falling apart and smells real bad. It will usually inflate back up in a couple of hours.
Hope this helps


Just a litte note;
If you are keeping an anemone, your tank should be well established (6 months or longer)
Your lighting should be T5 or Mh since the anemone feed mostly off of your lights
If your anemone is attached to something for a period of time and starts to roam it is not happy(something changed in the tank or lighting)
Some people spot feed their anemones some don't. I feed mine once a week or once every 10 days
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