shy Niger


I have a shy Niger Triggerfish alone in a 55 gallon tank by himself. First of all, I thought Triggers were a little more bold than most. Is it just his personality or because there is no other fish in the tank?
What would help my Niger feel more comfortable. More hiding spots?


adding a couple more fish that actively swim around will bring him out of hiding. he will feel safer with tankmates.
also, if he is in an area of the house that doesn't see much activity, he will be scared when all of a sudden the room light comes on and people are standing there.


Active Member
There's no need to add more fish to the tank...that's not gonna make him feel comfortable.
Give him time. Triggers are known to be shy when first introduced into a new tank. I once had a 9" Assasi Trigger that hid for 2 weeks, when he was first introduced to the tank.
They'll come around, either when they get hungry enough or when they realize there's nothing that's gonna hurt them.
Then, you'll see the bold, puppy-dog-like Trigger that you're thinking about.


i have done this with a shy niger before. maybe it worked as a "one case deal," that's just my experience. plus, you don't plan on having that be your only fish do you?
i do agree that more time will probably help eventually.


I plan on getting more fish. Next weekend I am getting a humu humu. My Niger is about 4 inches and have had him exactly 6 days and is eating good as long as he doesn't see any movement around.


So I guess with time my niger will come out more? And when exactly do they make the grunting sounds in the water because I have yet to hear him make any. Although I have heard a different Niger make grunting sounds when out of water.


New Member
Originally Posted by nigertrigg
And when exactly do they make the grunting sounds in the water because I have yet to hear him make any. Although I have heard a different Niger make grunting sounds when out of water.
Grunting noises? Is this some form of mating call?
So I guess with time my niger will come out more?
Try and stop them!


Active Member
You'll hear the grunting sounds soon enough.
Triggers grunt when they're angry, hungry, while they're eating...they do it alot.


OMG. its the weirdest thing. I when i used to have a niger I though there was something wrong with my canister filter cause it would do it like constantly for 20 min at a time...
Its very cool.


They also click. They do this mostly when they are annoyed i find. whenever I put my hand in my tank my picasso clicks at me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
You'll hear the grunting sounds soon enough.
Triggers grunt when they're angry, hungry, while they're eating...they do it alot.
So someday I'm going to hear my niger make noises???? SWEEEET! My trigger is extremely boring. When do they start making the sounds, and are they loud enough that i can hear? Is there away that i can make him click now?


I guess it depends mostly on perosnality.

But I know for a fact that all triggers make grunting sounds and clicking sounds as a way of showing their feelings. I wonder if they do this towards other fish or just because they want to.


Also today I added 35 lbs of liverock so hopefully he will come out even more. Yesterday he came out a lot as long as there were no sudden movements.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nigertrigg
I guess it depends mostly on perosnality.

But I know for a fact that all triggers make grunting sounds and clicking sounds as a way of showing their feelings. I wonder if they do this towards other fish or just because they want to.
I wonder if they make the noises if they are a wuss?