Sialfin Tang coloration.


I have a Silfin Tang that has chameleon-like behavior. Throughout the day it's bands will range in color from a dull grey to an intense black. When they sre black the fish is so beautiful. When it changes back to the grey, it somehow seems as if something is wrong. Is this normal? I an curious to know of others who have Sailfin Tangs, and wheteher this cahmeleon behaviour also exists.
I feed my fish a variety of foods, but the Sailfin seems to only aet nori seaweed or spirulina sticks. Other tank mates include a Kole Tang, Yellow Wrasse, Golden Centropyge, and Tomato Clown. Tanks TT.


I've got a sailfin tang...(COOL FISH!) he doesnt change colors during the day, although he does change at night (normal), As long as its eating ok and showing no signs of disease i wouldnt worry about it too much. :D


Also... ive been feeding mine a diet of bloodworms and that seaweed selects algae! and hes been doing great... BTW he LOVES the bloodworms, maybe you could try that. :D


Thanks newb. Would that be live blood worms? I did not know you could feed those to salt water fish. I will try some out next time I am ay my lfs.


I use Aqua Yums frozen bloodworms... i thaw them out in a glass of aquarium water then dump em in! :D


New Member
I had a sailfin tang who changed colors a lot too. It has a lot to do with what mood he/she is in. My sailfin went very pale if he was frightened or sick. He would also go pale when being cleaned by the cleaner wrasse, while tipping sideways. He would go almost solid black at night or when being agressive to another fish (he loved to intimidate my falcula butterfly). Hope this helps. If he is pale all the time, check for disease or bad water conditions. I think sailfin tangs have a great personality, but they are moody.


Thanks for the replies folks. My tank decor is well, a reef. Tons of live rock with hiding places and plenty of swimming room. Filtration cositis of a 4.5" deep sand bed and protein skimming by a Berlin HO.
I guess the nature of this fishs' coloration is one of fluctuations. Slb, my Sailfin also goes pale when being cleaned by a shrimp, and darker when the Kole bucks with it. I thought that some sort of food would enhance a darker color as that is the more appealing.