Sick Anenome

dive girl

This isn't in the Clownfish and Anemone forum so you may not be getting the responses you need from people that have more experience.
You may want to ask a Moderator to move this thread. I would also send a PM to either Lmecher, PerfectDark, or subielover. They seem to know a lot about anemones.
You may also want to check this site http: karensroseanemones Though the site talks about bubble-tips, you may find something that helps.
Good luck


Did you check for ammonia when you tested? 5 gallon once a month is a minimal water change. I personally would do 5 gallons once a week. Sorry not to be able to give any definitive answers, sometimes you just dont know why these things happen. You asked about the substrate. On personal experince, live sand is generally the best for a reef tank.
how would i go about changing mine to live sand. Should i wait and see if the anenome get better first before i go changing things around? no i did not test amonia or phosphates guess i have to go get those testers tomorrow


If you dont have a lot of algae growth in your tank, then most likely not a phosphate problem with the anem. Ammonia on the other hand is toxic. You may want to consider mixing some water for a large water change. I would figure things out with the anem before looking at changing your substrate. I have a 75 gallon tank and when I changed mine out I took out most of the live rock, coral and used a cup to scoop it out. I had LOTS of clean pre-mixed salt water on hand to do a large water change. The stuff that was in that CC was like sludge. I even did weekly water changes and vaccuumed my gravel weekly. It just always caught the waste. I used to always have high trates, these are much lower. Algae is much better in the tank, and I'm getting coraline algae which I never did when I had CC for the substrate.
When adding in the sand, I put my rock work in first and then with power heads off, carefully added in the sand by cupfuls.
I will definately change over to live sand once my tank is in prestiene condition. my phosphates are .5 and no I did not test for ammonia: I am going to have to buy a test for that. My test kit or strips dont test for that ( I have an API test kit now). I bought cyclopeeze to spot feed the anemone eventhough I dont think he will eat because he has no tenticles out.

jeb butler

New Member
I've got a purple bubble tip that goes into reclusion once a week and cannot figure out what going on. It will all of a sudden crawl under a ledge where you can only see a arm or two then several hours later he appears ready for his silver side dinner. Not knowing any different or should we say not taking the time to study up on the species I was giving it a 1/2" peice of silverside a day and I really think it was going to the bathroom. Also if you try to increase PH do it very slowly, mine did not appreciate it being dumped on its head!! Good luck!!