Sick Angel


New Member
I have a Annularis Angelfish - Show (A). We have it for about 2 weeks. Really wouldn't eat much, but still look healty. A few days ago he got cloud eye. LFS told us to use Melafix. We follow the direction, next morning we found the Damsel dead (1-2 inches long) and the Angel on it side. We put him in a bucket of saltwater from the Reef tank and seem to be doing better. Went back to the LFS and and they told us to use Formalin, Malchite, and Maracyn in his reagular tank. The water check out great, can't find the reading right now. He seem to be fine all day till tonight. Now he barely can stand upright. And help would be great.


Staff member
OMG. What a bad combination in the display tank. Hopefully, your tank is strictly FO. If you have carbon filter, start using it, changing the carbon every other day. Also do small water changes to dilute that combination of medications.
Is the cloudy eye swollen, in both eyes or just one?


New Member
Are you referring to the meds that was put into the tank? I went less on the dose as required, just for the simple fact that I thought it might be too much. I also change 20 gallons of water yesterday in this 70 gallon tank.
It is a fish only, actually only the angel and a damsel. There is a few snails and hermit crabs. I also have a Red Knob Starfish. Right now the Angel is in a Gallon container with water from the reef tank, a heater on very low and an air stone. He still on the side, but does move his tail from time to time.
Only one eye is cloudy and isn't oversize.
Should I keep him in the container?
I also put the carbon back in the Fuval also.


Staff member
Don't put medications in your display tank. It is just so detrimental overall to your system. Better to loose a fish, then to loose an entire system.
How is this fish doing? Is the cloudiness on only one eye? Or both? Is the eye swollen at all?


New Member
We lost the fish. Lucky the LFS going to give us full credit for him. Thanks for the advice Beth.