sick Bellus Angel?


I was just at a LFS and they had just gotten in a Beautiful Bellus Angel. The only problem was that it looked to be constipated(bloated around its anus). The fish appeared to be swimming fine so I don’t think it would be its swim bladder but I Know Id LOVE this fish! Any ideas on what could be wrong with it? It just came in today, so it didn’t want to accept any food. Do you think it is worth getting it or is it a hopeless cause? Thanks


Staff member
Not accepting food on the first day home, is not really unusual. Give it time. Unless you see other obvious signs of disease.


Originally Posted by Beth
Not accepting food on the first day home, is not really unusual. Give it time. Unless you see other obvious signs of disease.
Do you think it being bloated is a problem? or do u think its something that will go away once the fish is settled? I understand it not accepting food....but what worries me is the fact it looks constipated, if thats possible in fish.


Staff member
How does it look overall. Is it a skinny fish?
I think at this point all you can do is keep an eye on it to see if anything develops.
I'm assuming that this fish is not in a QT?


Originally Posted by Beth
How does it look overall. Is it a skinny fish?
I think at this point all you can do is keep an eye on it to see if anything develops.
I'm assuming that this fish is not in a QT?
the fish in still at the LFS...before I bought it I wanted to see if it is something that is curable or not. Overal the fish looked really good except for the fact it looked constipated! Not skiny as most ive seen come in. I've seen fish beforewith the damage to the swim blatter where they are not able to swim straight and this one was having no problems at all.