sick cc star?


My cc star rarely moves, and when he does he is always at the top. Today and yesterday he refused food. Could he be sick? My ph is a little low and I'm working on getting that up, and my salinity is low too...1.021, I am also working on bring that up.
Any idea's or suggestions.
All the other tests are great.
thank you


btw, I have read that some peoples stars are 'all over the tank'. This one never has been. Only had him a couple weeks, but he's never been much of a travelor.
Thanks again

who dey

Active Member
when you say low salinity, how low??? Stars like a higher salt content in water, i would recommend 1.025


how quickly is it safe to do this the water is close to being ready...just not sure how fast I can add the extra sw. thanks.


horse shoe crab,
one snail,
a couple other crabs
two clownfish
dwarf lion
lm blenny
scooter blenny


..........and forgot this part....I am out of salt and can't get any middle of next week as I have 3 days of on call which means I have to literally sleep eat etc at work.

who dey

Active Member
what's your salinity in your new mix. i would suggest 1.025 do your change and then do 5 gallons weekly until display tank reaches 1.025