Sick Cleaner Shrimp???


I may just be paranoid but my cleaner shrimp is usually extremely active, stomping on all of my corals and jumping on my hand anytime I put it in the tank. However, today he did not do much but cling to the back of some LR. I noticed he had a black line on him that I do not think he has ever had before. I have had him for about a month with no problems whatsoever. Any idea what is going on? I have attached a pic of the black line.


have my fingers crossed thats all it is. He is a pretty small shrimp and it has been at least 2 weeks since his last molt. The black s*** just got me a little worried. Anyone else with a cleaner shrimp ever noticed this?


Maybe shrimp poo!

Mine are up and down too with the activity. Mine both hung out under the same rock all day... never saw that for two months.