Sick Cllown - Breathing Hard


Hey all,
Background - have had this tank up since last May after we moved, but have been around since about 2004 when I had my 25 gallon.
For about a week my clown has been breathing hard. His mouth has been constantly pretty wide open. All his fins look fine, it kind of looks like he is panting versuses gasping.
Strangely, he has also been not leaving his frogspawn at all now, he seems to only come out to eat and he is sometimes fully hidden in there. He eats okay but not great. He eats some and spits some out.
We thought he had a spot but then the next day it was gone so I am not sure if it is Ich. Can anyone provide suggestions?
He seems to also be slightly dicolored by the top of his head - but i dont know if this is because is also not going out into the light at all now.
I would like to have a better idea of what he has before I just treat. Or is their any broad spectrum treatment?
Also, the levels for everything are fine and there is no other fish in the tank that could be harrasing him.
We have formalin and stop parasite around if either of those would help.
Please help!


Staff member
Can you post a picture? Clownfish really don't belong in frogspawns, so he may be reacting the to the stinging cells of the coral.


Originally Posted by Beth
Can you post a picture? Clownfish really don't belong in frogspawns, so he may be reacting the to the stinging cells of the coral.
I will try and get one, but it is really hard to get him out. I pretty much have to put something where he is to get him to come out and then he hides in the rocks.
I thought stings were black spots? I will work on the picture.


Staff member
Hyper-melaninization is the condition that results on some clownfish who are exposed to stinging cells, however, my point was that clownfish are not typically exposed to stinging cells of corals. It may be that the fish is overexposed, since the problem seems to have started when the fish started spending more time in the coral.
How long have you had this fish? What other fish are in the tank? Notice any aggression going on?


Originally Posted by Beth
Hyper-melaninization is the condition that results on some clownfish who are exposed to stinging cells, however, my point was that clownfish are not typically exposed to stinging cells of corals. It may be that the fish is overexposed, since the problem seems to have started when the fish started spending more time in the coral.
How long have you had this fish? What other fish are in the tank? Notice any aggression going on?
We had had the fish since about January, there is no other fish in the tank.
My wondering is thoiugh, is he acting like that because of the frogspawn or is he in it because he doesn't feel good. He seems to go in it and he swims somewhat violently in it. The frogspawn has been there the whole time. He doesnt always swin violently in sometimes he just sits in it as if he was hosting in it.
Sometimes I wondering if he is trying to itch himself on the frogspawn.


I attached pictures. Sorry for quality. The first one shows open mouth and the second is of him out. It is hard to see but there are a couple whitish discoloration splotches.



Staff member
How long have you had this fish? Is it possible he has brooklynella?


Originally Posted by Beth http:///forum/post/3045249
How long have you had this fish? Is it possible he has brooklynella?
We got him in January. He had gotten brook then and we treated it with formalin. I know the pictures are very good but it doesn't look like brook - or atleast from what I can tell and how it looked the last night.
I don't know what I should treat for since I don't what he has. I have stop parasite which I know is controversial but I also don't want to not do anything.
Is there anything I can do that is somewhat broad spectrum?


Beth -
Picture in post 4.
It really looks like this is the most similar but just less severe. Wide mouth, and whitish flat discoloration type spot. The thread didn't seem to go anywhere and discussed fighting. But he is the only fish in the tank for me.


Staff member
I'm still inclined to thing its the coral. You can't medicate a tank with corals in it.


Based on what I sent you in the PM I sort of think it is too.
What should I do, will it heal? Is there anything that would help him get his lips to normal? Do you think garlic would help?
I have a QT if needed. but it isn't full set up and would not feel comfortable putting him in it yet since I don't think its ready for an inhabitant yet.


Staff member
Not much you can do without a viable QT. My concern is more about the heavy breathing. What are your water params?


I honestly now can't tell if he looks like he is breathing heavy or if it just looks like that since his lips are so puffy.
I tested sat and sunday -
salt 1.027
amonnia - 0
trate - 0
trite - 0
ph 8.2
temp 79-80
If I can get the qt up and going (may have to take water from the DT), what should I treat him with?
I don't want to just treat without knowing - I think his lips are puffy from the coral.
He has been eating well the last few feedings.


Staff member
I don't know that he should be "treated". However, removing him from a tank with corals may reveal whether he is suffering from stinging cells.
What other corals do you have in your tank?


If he got stung, how long would it take for the affects of the sting to subside?
I have the frogspawn, some mushrooms, and some zoa.


Originally Posted by Beth
Within a few days, hopefully.
Would any vitamins or any of the other additives out there help in his recovery if it is the coral sting?
Thanks for all your responses, I do appreciate it alot since no one else is chiming in :)


Update - On Tuesday his mouth looked less puffy but then wednesday it was back to the normal size. He is still eating like a monster.