Sick clown. Nitrate poisoning?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mohawkninja http:///t/395880/sick-clown-nitrate-poisoning#post_3525863
I think that you can do a larger than 3% water change, I think that 15-20% would be the max. I do around 10% 2 times a week.
I am not a math person at if I'm wrong correct me. LOL...I sometimes don't say things right. My late husband called it Debbie logic.
3% = (to me anyway) 1/3rd of all the water in the tank. I simply said to never do more than that, unless there is some kind of serious problem. 3% is in my thinking a large water change.
In my 90g tank, that's 30 gallons of water.
In a 10g tank, a 3% water change is a little less then 3.5 gallons. 20% by the same caliber, would be half a gallon of water. 10% of 10g = 1g of water.

mr llimpid

Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/395880/sick-clown-nitrate-poisoning/20#post_3525877
I am not a math person at if I'm wrong correct me. LOL...I sometimes don't say things right. My late husband called it Debbie logic.
3% = (to me anyway) 1/3rd of all the water in the tank. I simply said to never do more than that, unless there is some kind of serious problem. 3% is in my thinking a large water change.
In my 90g tank, that's 30 gallons of water.
In a 10g tank, a 3% water change is a little less then 3.5 gallons. 20% by the same caliber, would be half a gallon of water. 10% of 10g = 1g of water.
Just to help you with your Debbie logic you are thinking 3% as 33% that is 1/3 of 100%. 3% of 90gal. would be 2.7gal. and 3% of 10gal would be .3 of gal. less than half a gal. 38 ounce.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Mr LLimpid http:///t/395880/sick-clown-nitrate-poisoning/20#post_3525885
Just to help you with your Debbie logic you are thinking 3% as 33% that is 1/3 of 100%. 3% of 90gal. would be 2.7gal. and 3% of 10gal would be .3 of gal. less than half a gal. 38 ounce.
LOL... I knew I had things wrong, I am mathematically impaired. I only know the very basic of fractions 1/2...1/3 ...1/8 and 1/4 That's why Dan called it Debbie logic. AKA = makes no sense at all.
So in correction______________ to the original larger then 1/3rd of 100% of the water from your tank.

Would you believe that Dan insisted that I take care of the bank account? ...Maybe he thought it would help if he made me do numbers. He would stand over my shoulder and add stuff up before my calculator told me the answer. ....Sigh, I still miss him, and while I still can't do fractions, I can at least manage the check book.


Quote:Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/395880/sick-clown-nitrate-poisoning/20#post_3525889
LOL... I knew I had things wrong, I am mathematically impaired. I only know the very basic of fractions 1/2...1/3 ...1/8 and 1/4 That's why Dan called it Debbie logic. AKA = makes no sense at all.
So in correction______________ to the original larger then 1/3rd of 100% of the water from your tank.

Would you believe that Dan insisted that I take care of the bank account? ...Maybe he thought it would help if he made me do numbers. He would stand over my shoulder and add stuff up before my calculator told me the answer. ....Sigh, I still miss him, and while I still can't do fractions, I can at least manage the check book.

You kinda scared me for a second. I was like "Oh no I can only do a 1.5 gallon water change NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!"

mr llimpid

Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/395880/sick-clown-nitrate-poisoning/20#post_3525889
LOL... I knew I had things wrong, I am mathematically impaired. I only know the very basic of fractions 1/2...1/3 ...1/8 and 1/4 That's why Dan called it Debbie logic. AKA = makes no sense at all.
So in correction______________ to the original larger then 1/3rd of 100% of the water from your tank.

Would you believe that Dan insisted that I take care of the bank account? ...Maybe he thought it would help if he made me do numbers. He would stand over my shoulder and add stuff up before my calculator told me the answer. ....Sigh, I still miss him, and while I still can't do fractions, I can at least manage the check book.
Well he left you with that and good memories. lol, you had the 3 thing (3%, 1/3) good things come in 3's.
The power head should be here this week. I won't be replacing the clownfish. So I'll keep my little nemo in his 10 gallon tank until I can afford to upgrade. I'm moving at the end of August so I didn't have any extra money at the moment. I will definitely save up to get a 20 gallon tank for him and maybe a clown goby. But I don't think that will happen any time soon. I'm still a broke college student for another at least 5 years.


If you are going for a nano a 30 might be the way to go. It isn't much more expensive, but it gives your more room to work with.

mr llimpid

Originally Posted by nikkifro8994 http:///t/395880/sick-clown-nitrate-poisoning/20#post_3525905
The power head should be here this week. I won't be replacing the clownfish. So I'll keep my little nemo in his 10 gallon tank until I can afford to upgrade. I'm moving at the end of August so I didn't have any extra money at the moment. I will definitely save up to get a 20 gallon tank for him and maybe a clown goby. But I don't think that will happen any time soon. I'm still a broke college student for another at least 5 years.
If you are going 20gal go with the long tank gives you more surface area which is need in salt water. And then price the 30 long nice tank that is what I had in college. Everything fit into a 30 gal garbage can easy for you and a buddies to move.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by nikkifro8994 http:///t/395880/sick-clown-nitrate-poisoning/20#post_3525905
The power head should be here this week. I won't be replacing the clownfish. So I'll keep my little nemo in his 10 gallon tank until I can afford to upgrade. I'm moving at the end of August so I didn't have any extra money at the moment. I will definitely save up to get a 20 gallon tank for him and maybe a clown goby. But I don't think that will happen any time soon. I'm still a broke college student for another at least 5 years.
Tank cost, and set up comes in groups. It costs the same amount of money for the equipment on a 10g as it does all they way up to a 29g. A tank is cheap, real cheap if you purchase a used one. My little example is not calculating the long tanks, just the standard size. Lighting is the most expensive cost. The same number of power heads, filtration, and rock, will all fit into each category. A little extra sand may be needed. so if you already have the correct equipment on your 10g... just get a little more sand, and then purchase the largest tank you can get that will fit your 10g equipment... that means you can do a 29g tank with very little cost to upgrade.
10g to 25g ... 24" lights ( a 29g (30") could have the same lights as the 10g and 25g ...and just shy of all the way across, but can be done with no problem on how the tank looks .. most SW tank lights have legs that can be adjusted))
30g to 50g ... 36" lights
55g to 90g ... 48" lights
100g to 180g ... 72" lights
Here is a link on tank sizes that used to determine the above info: