Sick CLown???


New Member
I have a ocellaris clown fish. 30 gallon tank 5 months old. from day 1 this clown found a corner and hovers in it. but does not move out of it all day long. he swims in it facing upwards and swims up...and drops...swims up and drops..over and over and over. OR he'll just turn head down and not move at all. at night when the lights go out he'll swim to the top do 2 or 3 laps then head behind the power heads. is this normal?...he has 30 gallons and only swims in 3 inches. i see clowns at the LFS not acting like this. any ideas???


Active Member
I really wouldn't worry about it then. When I first got my maroon clownfish, he stayed around this one rock in my tank all day long and acted as if it was his anemone. When I would feed the tank, he would come to the middle, eat his food, and then grab pieces of frozen food and spit it at the rock as if it was feeding its anemone. My clown had a 210 gallon tank but stayed around this rock all day long. Now he comes out and swims the tank. I would just give him some time to adjust and feel comfortable. He'll come around.


Active Member
clowns will pick out a territory, they're also plain weird, your clown also could see his reflection and thinks that the clown at the top looks better than the ones around the tank.