Sick Clownfish - Please Help


My clownfish is sick. He's swimming straight up (head towards the top of the tank) and has a white patch on either side.
This developed very suddenly. I woke up, my tank was cloudy, and he was sick.
It is a 12 gallon nano cube. 12 lbs of liverock, no protein skimmer. NH4, NH3, NO2, NO3, pH, alkalinity are all perfect. I can't identify what's wrong with my tank or my fish.
What do you recommend?
I did a waterchange two days ago.


Active Member
Can you post a pic of him? Why is your tank cloudy.. If it is a disease it could be brooknellya (I dont know how to spell it). Which you'd need to buy some formalin from your LFS and dip him in that. More info about that is all on the disease forum, check it out and see if your clown matches with the pics of brooknellya.


New Member
how long have you had your clown? i had a clown do that after i bought it and it died a day later i figured it was from shock?


Active Member
thats weird my tomato has done the same thing, but mines swimmin like crazy and i just did a water change and i notice lil milky patches that reflect in the light at certain angles...idk....kinda weird