sick coral angel


New Member
About two days ago, i noticed the posterior fins on my relatively new coral angel (4-5 weeks old) were suddenly very frayed... almost an overnight phenomenon. It continues to be very active around the tank, and seems to have maintained his appetite. It is not gilling. I have not noticed him fighting any other fish, although he does seem to "display" himself to a flame hawk fish also in the tank. He has no new redness or skin discoloration. No puffiness or cloudiness in his eyes. I really do no believe that this is an "assault." I am concerned because it appears to be progressing relatively rapidly. Tank is a 75 gallon fish only, set up for about 3 years, with a history of an enormous fish die off about a year ago which i have been slowly building back from. Lots of live rock. Current tank conditions are pretty good: 82 degrees, 0 nitrate, 0 nitrite, ph = 8.4, SG 1.022. I can't seem to get a good picture of the coral because he seems to be skiddish of the camera, but enclosed are the best I can do. Any thoughts and suggestions?



New Member
thats sort of what i think... what is best treatment? i don't think it is malnuitrition... the fish eats pellets and frozen brine shrimp and spirulina pretty voraciously. freshwater bath? antibiotics?


i had problems with a coral beauty as well... he died,
i would but him in a quarentine tank and treat for bacterial infection or something specifically for fin rot. should be fine


New Member
alright. he's sitting in his 10 gallon quarantine tank with erythromycin in water from the main tank. he looks unhappy. what is duration of treatment? should i keep him in there until his fins grow back normal or just the four days and then back to the main tank? how long will it take for his fins to return to normal? what is the liklihood that the bacteria is floating around the main tank, waiting to toast one of my other, more expensive fish?


i would keep him in there until you notice that the fin degredation has stopped, it will take upwards of a month to for the fins to grow completely back most likely. and in truth bacteria, ich, fungus, they are all in every aquarium that are setup, just like there is bacteria and viruses on every thing around us as well. it is keeping fish unstressed and in good water conitions as well as a good diet that keep fish from contracting these things, just as it is with us (when we get stressed or over tired we are more likely to become sick) so dont worry about the main tank just focus on the fish with the ailment, the purpose of a qt tank is to treat an infected fish more directly instead of treating a larger body of water and population of fish for better results, not nessesarily separating and sick fish from other so it doesnt spread the problem tho it does help with that some what, but most likely the bacteria is in your tank and as long as the other fish are in good condition they shouldnt contract the bacteria