sick cowfish white spots


Hi I hope someone can help me I have a problem. All the sudden my cowfish has gotten raised white spots all over him. I have not added any fish in over two months so I didnt think it was ich. I did add an juvi emperor angelfish that had a small "fungal" problem but my LFS said it could only give it to other angels, basiically that fish had two or three fairly large white spots on fins, hes doing fine now. I recently added another power head to add more flow which seems to have my cowfish having a hard time to swim and get food, but he does manage fine and does eat he has appetite. I tried to take a picture of him here he is..... Please let me know what you think and if he will be ok?



I have him in a 125 gal tank with about 8 other fish plus shirmps hermits etc. Plus a flower pot coral. Should I try hypo?


I do have a 30 gal setup downstairs has damsels in it they never bother him though when they were in the DT tank it wouldnt bother me to take them out though if they bother him.
However is my entire tank at risk now? Now that I notice my porc puffer has some VERY small white spots as well.


He seems to be swimming well and acting normal but geez I really wanna help him hes one of my favorite fish, poor guy. I will be up for a while if someone can chime in I will send him downstairs and hypo ASAP, but if its in the whole tank, hence the puffer please let me know if procedures need to change.


Staff member
Are other fish showing ich now?
The best treatment for ich is hyposalinity. You can't do hyposalinity in a tank with live rock or inverts.


Thanks for replying Beth, I was looking last night and my Porc Puffer looks like he MIGHT have somthing white spots on him but they are not raised like the cow fishes. I also have royal dottyback that all the sudden looks like he has faded coloring as well. I currently have a 30 gal tank thats cycled. I am about this change out my 55 gal sump with an upgraded one that I am finishing tonight do you think I need to remove all my fish to those two tanks and hypo?


Staff member
All the fish need to be treated. Do you have a refractometer, are you familiar with hyposalinity?
What kind of tank do you have, and how thick is the sandbed?


I have a 125 gal almost reef I have one coral one sponge, I do have live rock about 130lbs counting the sump the sump has 3in sand bed the DT has a 1-2in bed. I have shrimp, hermits, pods etc.


I dont have a refractometer I am currently lookingo to buy one as we speak I just posted a quesiton on which to buy or if they are all the same. Could you point me to the link where I can find the hypo procedure? Thank you for your help again.
Also so basically I should take out all my fish im guessing. Like I said I have a 30 gal cycled but I do have alot of fish: hippo tank 3-4in yellow tang same size puffer 5in juvi angel 3-4in couple clowns.
Should I fill the 55 with waterchange water since that tank is going to be empty?


Staff member
You may want to make your 55 your QT for all those fish. Make sure you have buffers to control any pH drop you may have due to the procedure. And, in the future, never ever add fish to your tank that has not been appropriately QTed.
The hypo procedure is located in the FAQ Topic at the top of the Disease Forum, along with info on ich and other helpful info.
You want to get a hobby grade refractometer that measures both salinity and specific gravity. actually sell these as well, which are reasonably priced.


Thank you Beth! I have the cowfish in the 30g in a ziplock back acclimating to temperature right now. I am starting with him since he has the worst of the simptoms the others look pretty good actually So I will setup the 55 after the weekened for them to starty them on hypo the cowfish (Moo) is starting tonight, I am just gonna aclimate him to the downstairs HT like a new fish I would guess.
Thanks again! I will update on progress.


OK the cowfish is in the HT as we speak doing very well I bought him some vitamin enriched freeze dried brine shrimp figured it couldnt hurt. I will also feed him mysis shrimps.
I took out two litres of tank water tonight and added two liters of RO water so figure 1 gallon? I will check salinity in the morning I dont have a refractometer just yet so Im just lowering the salinty slowly until the refractometer gets here.
So even though other fish are not showing any signs should they be taken out and sent to a HT as well?


Staff member
So, you do have treat all fish if you want this to be effective.
You can use a glass hydrometer until the refractometer get to you.


Yes I am going to setup a 55gal tank here shortly. I will try to put the clown s in the 30 gal with the cowfish to try to keep as little dietrus out of the 55 gal for the big fish. I will start that process on Monday, had to order a heater and HOB canister filter.


Hi Beth, thank you again for all your help. I have my cowfish in the QT tank and currently have salinity at 1.017. I have been slowly bringing down the salt that ok? I know I am not yet at 1.009 but he is doing MUCH better I dont even see spots on him anymore I am so releived! I have been doing water changes in the 30gal tank everyday ...1-2 gallons of fresh RO water.
I will be setting up my 55gal tank tonight for the rest of the fish tonight had to wait for a heater and filter to come in that I bought online. I will be doing a large water change in my DT tank today 30% and using the old water for the larger QT tank.


Yep so far so good, yesterday was a pain in the butt getting out my diamond goby they are very fast!!!! But I have the 55 setup up salt is at 1.023 which is just a little bit lower than my DT. Fish seem be be freaked out a bit but are ok.
Beth, you had mentioned about reflectivitiy on the glass, my puffer keeps chasing himself on the back glass is this ok? It doesn seem like he even sees me or food which is a rarity he LOVE food. DO I need to put a background on the back glass? the bottom is all black and I have large pvc elbows in the tank for caves and hiding places. I will post pics later.
Also I want you to look at my royal dottyback she seems to be having spotty fadded areas on her body let me know what you think if you would as well not sure if thats just the ich causing irritation?