sick fish


I have had my tank set up since last August, never lost any fish until a week ago. First I lost my green spotted goby, good one day, blue faced, not much movement next day, died next day. One week later, my clown fish was dead. No sign of any thing. Now I have a blue hippo tang with what used to be white spots, treated with kick ick. White spots turned black, still there. Bought a cleanershrimp but not much improvement. Now, my yellow tang looks very sick. Has white spots like pictures of HLLd plus looks like it has a white film on it. Eats good, treated tank for fungus etc, no improvement. Changed diet started vitamins, looks worse today. Listless on bottom of aquarium. Took sample of water to be checked, said it has a small trace of ammonia, and ph slightly low but all else is perfect. What can I do before he dies? Shobby


Active Member
Some test kits have difficulty discerning between zero and small amounts of ammonia. However, even small amounts of ammonia can be toxic. You might consider doing a water change (which would also dilute any other toxins which may be playing a role). Products to reduce ammonia levels, such as Amquel might also be of value.


Staff member
What are your water readings. Use selifert test kits.
Do you still have an ich problem? Or even a bliack ich problem?


Not really sure about the water readings. I take a sample down and have it tested. They said that it was perfect on Sunday. Tuesday it showed a slight amount of amonia. Did a water change. So far I have lost three fish. Lost the tang last Tuesday. All was looking up until today(Saturday), now a damsel lokks like it is going downhill. I installed a new light about three wekks ago. Only thing that I have changed. I did not have a cover seperating it from the water. I believe trace amounts of rust may have gotten in the water. What I do not understand is why all of my crabs, shrimp and sea anomies seem to be fine. I will be taking another water sample tomorrow, I will see if I can get the readings. Just very disappointed, can't seem to stop the fish from dying, although my blue hippo is looking much better.