sick fish


New Member
I have a clown fish and a Hifin shrimp goby that are breathing very rapidly. I have had them since last november, but moved them into a larger tank about 1 month ago. All other fish and coral that made the move are doing fine. Water parameters are 0 Nitrites, 10 Nitrates, .25 Ammonia, 8.4 Ph. Salinity 1.022. the only thing that I have been doing differently is I have been using straight D.I. for my water top offs. I add 2 drops of aragamilk for every gallon of D.I. Any body have any idea why my fish are having problems.


Staff member
The ammonia will cause serious consequences all marine animals. Start doing daily water changes until that ammonia is down to zero. Why do you have ammonia?


New Member
I usually dont have ammonia. I had it tested on tuesday. 3 days after I noticed the clown having problems and the ammonia was at zero. I tested last night (3/17) and it was between 0 and .25. I put amqel to try to bring it down, I will test again later.


New Member
so you dont think that D.I. is the problem. I see that alot of people use R.O and or R.O/D.I. together. I am using straight D.I. Like I said before though I am adding aragamilk to it.


Originally Posted by rngpw1028
so you dont think that D.I. is the problem. I see that alot of people use R.O and or R.O/D.I. together. I am using straight D.I. Like I said before though I am adding aragamilk to it.
Test your DI water. I am curious of why you think it might be that. De-ionized water wouldn't cause ammonia. To many additives would. Why are you adding the aragamilk? Something is breaking down in the water, causing ammonia.


New Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Test your DI water. I am curious of why you think it might be that. De-ionized water wouldn't cause ammonia. To many additives would. Why are you adding the aragamilk? Something is breaking down in the water, causing ammonia.
I dont think that the ammonia is caused by the d.i. I was'nt sure if maybe it wasnt causing my fish to be sick. Im adding the aragamilk because i was told that running water through the di strips it of all of its essential minerals. The aragamilk is to replace those minerals. I am curious to know what kind of additives could be causing my ammonia to rise so i could stay away from that in the future, so if you could let me know that would be greatly appreciated.