Sick golden puffer: need help please


Active Member
There is a lady who I would consider the closest thing to an vet that we have free access too. She is on a forum with the marine retailer with depot hint (sorry mods it is for the fish) in its name. Her name is Kelly, and I think her screen name is puffer queen. I'd really recomend finding her and discribing your situation.


Active Member
already have. She hasn't been answering in that forum for a while. I have also been getting answers out of beth for over 4 years.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bergamer
already have. She hasn't been answering in that forum for a while. I have also been getting answers out of beth for over 4 years.
really? That sucks, It has been a couple years since I was forced to get rid of my fowlr tank. So I haven't needed to talk to her in a while.
There isn't anything in the gill is there? Like an isopod?


Active Member
I think it might be gill disease.
If the fish makes it through the night, I will do a water change and dose myacin 2.
Unless I find out that melafix treats gill disease.