Sick Green Brain?


I've had a Green Brain for a week...which has been doing fine...but today I dosed it with a bit of Phytoplanton (did so according to the place I bought it), and almost immediately it hardened-up and a white film is coming off of it as if it's deteriorating. Did I hurt/kill it...or is this normal? I'm worried...of course.


It's an open brain. I wouldn't say I blasted it, but it probably got about an 1/8th of an ounce. It actually seems to be doing a bit better... It still doesn't look like it's as soft as it used to be, but it's definitely taking a step in the right direction.
If not phytoplankton, what should I feed it? Guess that teaches me not to trust the pet store...


meaty food...brine squid mysnis.... after it gets used to your tank it will put out his tenticals and then just place the meaty food on them...shoe the fish and shrimp away and let him take it in....more then likely the first few times his tenticals will come out will be at night


Thanks Waterfaller1 and Jugger Cool Pictures. I've had a brain for about 3 weeks and didn't know they needed to be fed anything. I'll make sure I do it tonight. I have silversides Do I just chop them up a little and place them on the brain? Should I do it after lights are off or is it ok to do it when the lights have been on a while?


it doesn't really matter from my experience with my brain....I think you make them "used" to your feeding habits, because mine as well as my shrimp knows when monday comes around..I tend to have my atiniks on when I feed the brain...I usually give my shrimp a little food to preoccupie it with as the brain takes the food activate its tenticles..I usually just dangle or drop some food right on the center area (where its mouths are..hehe my small brain has four mouths in its central area...can't wait for it to start growing) any rate..once I put the food on it..its tenticles start to come out and grab the food..once that happens I continue to feed it by putting the food right on the tenticles....I've been doing blood worms mixed with a vitamin mix I made up..and recently a frozen shrimp...
I figure brains are happy with whatever you feed em...I'll prolly switch to prawns and silversides when I feel like it.
hope this helped :D



Originally posted by waterfaller1
Beautiful brains Broomer and Jugger!:)

thanks!!! your is sweet aswell....and HUGE looks healthy


Just thought I'd give an update: My brain seems to be doing fine! I had the tank lights off today while I was acclimating a Mandarin, and the brain's tentacles came out (which I would have never known what it was without the input in this thread). I just so happened to have bought some krill today when I got the Mandarin, and he happily accepted it! Thanks again guys!


thanks for the update and thats is very good news.... good luck and now the issue is dont feed it to much....some people dont feed them at all...keep that in mind