Sick Hippo Please Help


Originally Posted by 987654321
I really apprceate the help guys. I went to the store and got some Kordon's Rid*Fungus. It says it is good for a full range of single-celled external protozoan and dinoflagellate infections. Im not sure what that really means but it says it wont hurt inverts or live rock. What do you guys think?
Do not add that to the display tank. I cannot trust a product that claims to treat basically any external malady without diagnoses. This is from their site:
Kordon Rid-Fungus™ is an easy to use treatment composed of 100% multiple organic ingredients for all types of external and epidermal single-celled infections. It's broad spectrum of activity and lack of toxicity makes Rid-Fungus effective without requiring a specific diagnosis.
It stops infectious and external parasitic invasions from getting started and in turn prevents many secondary infections. In short, Rid-Fungus suppresses and eliminates a wide spectrum of infections.
If he needs to be treated then do so in the quarantine tank with a proper treatment designed for a specific ailment.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Do not add that to the display tank. I cannot trust a product that claims to treat basically any external malady without diagnoses. This is from their site:
If he needs to be treated then do so in the quarantine tank with a proper treatment designed for a specific ailment.
I agree, the only thing that goes in my DT is vitamins that food has been soaking in.


Well this fish has onlygottin worse. Things are not looking good. The whatever it is has turned white so I do think he has some sort of fungus. Im going to attemp to QT him tonight. I hope I can get him. Im going to treat with Mardel Maracyn. Unless someone has something else they could recommend. He hasnt been eating and his body & face are really sunk in.


Originally Posted by 987654321
Well this fish has onlygottin worse. Things are not looking good. The whatever it is has turned white so I do think he has some sort of fungus. Im going to attemp to QT him tonight. I hope I can get him. Im going to treat with Mardel Maracyn. Unless someone has something else they could recommend. He hasnt been eating and his body & face are really sunk in.

Get Maracyn 2 for sw fish. That is exactly the treatment needed. Grab him when he is sleeping. mOnk has pointed that out in several posts on here with great success.
Hope he makes it! Feed him seaweed salad from your LFS they LOVE that if they arent eating they usually will pick at that, also soft pellets for tangs, (yellow/silver bottle)


Staff member
I was thinking of a burn as well, Al. Is the wound healing at all? If you get him in a QT, start using a slime coat product as well.
Make sure there is a good deal of space between the bottom of any heaters and the tank wall.


Well everyone, my poor fish passed today. Very sad. Whatever it was it must not have been contagious because all my other fish are happy as can be.


Looked like an ulcer to me. Can come from internal injury from banging around into a tight spot when startled


Very sorry to hear they were a couple of very nice looking hippos
Looked like an ulcer to me. Can come from internal injury from banging around into a tight spot when startled. From my experience there is nothing that can be done once this happens. They end up exactly how you described it seem normal at first but it catches up to them shortly.


Originally Posted by Jaymz
Very sorry to hear they were a couple of very nice looking hippos
Looked like an ulcer to me. Can come from internal injury from banging around into a tight spot when startled. From my experience there is nothing that can be done once this happens. They end up exactly how you described it seem normal at first but it catches up to them shortly.


I have been in the saltfish hawking business for far too long. And we have this type of thing generally happen to a wrasse once every 3 months or so. But i have seen it happen to other fish too. Not saying thats what happened to this hippo, but the patch on it looked similar. And I am saying this based on what 2 of my very experienced customers told me. Only one called it an ulcer but they both mentioned internal injurys. I think it happens to our wrasse from trying bury under the heavy decorations with a crushed coral substrate.