sick hippo tang


beth... thank you! really appreciate it... my water parameters today, hasnt changed much from last week. what do you think of the reading? if i need to fix it, what should i do?
Ammonia = 0
Nitrate = 10
Nitrite = 0
PH = 8.4


Active Member

Originally posted by calvindo
i am doing all that i can to keep him healthy

Glad to hear. Personally I had two fish... a damsel and blenny... "hitchhike" into my new tank. I was doing a swap from a 55g to a holding tank and then to the main tank and both went via-rocks. Otherwise the damsel would have been given away :p.


Active Member
Oh...and for what it's worth, if you look back at the other post mentioned here, the tang is right there in one of the pics swimming was with a post that said "just after adding 45 lbs of LR."
Anyway, just thought I'd throw that in here.
Like Beth said, don't assume the Ich is gone. It doesn't go away on it's own.
Cleaner shrimp will help get rid of it (don't add one until your cycle is finished), but hypo, or other meds are the only way to really get rid of it. I still would consider using Kick Ich in your situation.
Glad to hear it is eating and swimming fine though. Keep a close eye on it.


Thanks for the post and checking it out, you're correct that last pic shows the tang and says that he added 45lbs more rock. And its totally possible that the tang came in with that batch.
Beth and Calvindo, didn't mean to spread any oil on a fire or anything like that. The comment about not caring if the fish lived just didn't sit well with me. They are amazing fish and would hate to see him bite the dust for no reason.


no problem... hehehe, dont know why, but my posts have been starting a lot of fires lately. going to go and pick up some meds today, hopefully i can get rid of this ick for good. the tang as of today, looks okay so far.... i wouldnt be relax until i am sure he's 100%
since i am not cycling my tank with a dead shrimp. when will i know my tank is completely cycled?


i'm thinking about kick ick.... its just that i dont have a quarantine tank set up yet and i surely dont want to dump the med into my display tank. i've been really busy with work.... havent gotten a chance to shop around.
he does look better each day... my water perameter isnt so bad too. i've had him for about a week now, so imo... i feel he will hang in there.
any other option, besides a qurantine tank?


just wanted to update everyone. the white dots on his body is gone... altough his body seems a little bumpy. i'm not sure if he's on his way to recovery or this is just a second stage of ick. he still eats and swim around most of the day. it's been a week since i've discovered him. i really hope he becomes healthy soon.
i'll keep you all posted


my tang died today :( i am soo fustrated with this stupid ick thing. went out today to buy another test kit, since i wasnt sure if my salifert kit accurate. when i got home, saw him laying next to my lr :(
i've been testing my water almost every day to make sure there is no level spikes. my water perater today looks good, so it cant be the water levels. all fingers point to the ick :mad:
ammonia = 0
phosphate = 1.0
nitrite = 0.1
calcium = 420
nitrate = 5
ph = 8.5


Active Member
The water conditions were likely the overall cause of death.
Since your tank is still cycling, the levels of your tank are flucuating constantly which causes a lot of stress to fish. The fish being stressed will then lead to the ick.
Your test showed levels of nitrite in the water....nitrite is toxic to fish at any amount. In order for the nitrite to be present, ammonia had to be there too.


thanks azonic. but my water readings didnt really change much since i first started. just very slightly... i never had a spike in anything. maybe its the nitrite levels.
i'm going to ride this out, without adding any fish for another 3 or 4 weeks. do you think its enough time for the ick to go away?


Active Member
Yes, in 3-4 (4 being better) weeks, your tank will be free of the Ick.
Prevention of future outbreaks should be a goal for you before adding any fish to the tank. Setup a Quarantine tank so that every fish added will be positively disease free before it goes into your reef.
Lastly, when you do add something to the tank...start with something a clownfish or two. Once they are in there for a while and are doing ok add something else small.....gradually work yourself up to the harder to keep fish.
good luck with it!


thanks... that was my plan, but the tang hitched hiked and threw everything off course. I didnt even cycle the tank with a dead shrimp. everything in my tank is cured... i'll just use this oppertunity to let the tank sit and go through the cycle.
thanks again