sick jawfish

jane nall

New Member
Over the last two months. I have noticed a behavioral change in the jawfish: ate the LMB, then ate a chromis, started bumping into the glass as if he was seeing reflection of food. Last night I noticed the lenses on his eyes were extremely enlarged and this morning he is very lethargic and looks whitish over his head area . Anything I should do? Thanks in advance for comments! Jane


Staff member
How long have you had this fish? He ate the blenny and chromis? What do you mean?
What type of substrate do you have in your tank, and what are you feeding this fish? Is he in a reef tank or a tank with LR?

jane nall

New Member
Have had the jawfish at least three years in a 29 gal tank with about 30 pounds of live rock, with other fish and various invertes. I feed Nutrafin marine flake-he likes the most, Kent Platinum small sinking pellet for firefish, and once in a while frozen mysis. I use RO water and carbon filtration system. He consumed both fish since Thanksgiving.

jane nall

New Member
I have located the jawfish and removed him to the "emergency hospital," a large measuring cup with airstone and pot of warm water underneath. I do not think he will last the hour. His pectoral and caudal fins have become school bus yellow, he is extremely lethargic and this is second day for him not to eat, and usally a voracious eater. He has lost weight. I hope I have selected the correct photo.


Staff member
You didn't mention what type of substrate you have?
Also, by consume the other fish do you mean that he was harrassing these fish to death, and then ate them? And, if so, is this a new behavior?

jane nall

New Member
Sandy bottom--looks just like live sand.
Jawfish died about noon this morning. I have attempted to attach picture like him.
Yellow tang, firefish goby, and yellowtail blue damsel all appear fine.
As to two fish that disappeared, I did not see him eat the fish assume alive and they got too close, only saw each's caudal fin hanging from his mouth for a day or so following