Sick Kole Tang


My Kole Tang has white spots all over its body. Not tiny white spots, like you would see with ich, but blotchy white spots. I tried to get a picture, but all of my fish are terrified of the camera. Anybody know what it might be? and what I can do about it? Thank you.


How long have you had the tang? When did the spots appear? Can you describe the spots more? Do they look like patches of slime or faded color?


I have had him for about 5 months, it looks like faded color and just happened this morning. A lot of the white has changed back to his normal purplish color, but some of it is still faded like on his tail.


Originally Posted by JThomas0385
I have had him for about 5 months, it looks like faded color and just happened this morning. A lot of the white has changed back to his normal purplish color, but some of it is still faded like on his tail.
It sounds like typical tang stress marks. Have you checked the water quality? Have you added anything new recently?


I had a stray voltage problem that I just fixed today. Do you think that it will clear up on its own? My water quality is very good
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Phosphates 0