sick lion fish?


New Member
I recently purchased a lion fish 3 days ago. He was doing fine until I got home today and he was near the top of the tank and facing down. I dont know if he is stressed or sick... I have a 29 gallon tank and all my readings but the ammonia are normal with the ammonia a little high. I did a water change and it went down and the lion fish is still hanging down.... Anyone have any suggestions on what I should do?


Active Member
How long has your tank been set up?Did you cycle the tank before adding this fish?How many other fish/inhabitants are in your tank?Is this a large lionfish,or dwarf type?Fish cannot handle ammonia,it will make them very sick.You must get the ammonia down to 0.


New Member
The tank has been set up for 5 months now, in it I have two damsels, a brittle starsome cleaners and the lion fish. I have already cycled the tank and I have also did a water change on the tank the other day which brought it down to 0. The lion fish is still doing the same thing! I am still new to this so I really dont know what to do but thanks for the help!


New Member
I am using a bio-wheel for filtration, and yes I do have live rock in the tank.The lion fish is actually doing better now, all my readings are stable and I just got some buffer for the PH. He was and is eating fine I am feeding him shrimp, trying to get him away from guppies the fish store was feeding him. Thanks to all who helped


Lol, its chilling in the top of the tank, looking downwards. Doesnt sound sick to me, sounds like a normal lion. Mine does it all of the time. They like to invert themselves for some reason. Its kinda like their "perch" mind u. Post a pic of it doing it though, I am 90% sure it is just acting like a normal lion though:D