sick lion


New Member
:( my lion is sick his fins are falling a part and what is left of his fins have a white slime on them and he wont eat help have had him a long time


Staff member
Post info about your tank, water readings, size. Any aggression going on? When did this start? Do you have a hospital tank.
We need as much info as we can get to help you.


New Member
100 gallon tank berlin skimer , uv st. and a sump for a 200 gallon tank amircle sump tank, and it is full of bioballs and a ph 8.2
ammonia was 8.4 sail 1.021


New Member
:( have about 30 pounds live rock, lion, yellow tank dwarf flame angel, yellow clarkie, stars and strip puffer. we feed small piece of algie sheet for tang and angel. puff gets krill and shrip lion get silversides and clarkie eats a little of all of it so does the brittle star we feed every 2 days 10 percent water change ever week. this started about 4 days ago the only thing we have changed is where we ge our di water from. we changed where we get our water about a month ago. this tank has been set up about 1 and a half and we have had the lion for about 1 year all other fish seem to be doing fine.


New Member
i think my chemicles to test my nitrates and nitrites is bad becouse i keep getting a zero reeding so im taking water to the fish store on monday to be tested