sick mandarin



I have a mandarin I bought two weeks ago who started getting slime or fungus on it's body Thursday. Wednesday afternoon he was swimming around and colored normally.
Thursday night he came out and he initially looked lighter in small areas. Along the sides higher toward the back and the base of the fins looked lighter, but it's so smooth it's hard to see. He did not eat or swim around.
Friday morning he was worse. It looks like a smooth whitish clear fungus.
I put in some anti-fungal medication Friday morning. It was API Fungus Cure containing: 3mg Victoria Green B and 30mg Acriflavine per 10 gallons. I am supposed to wait another 48 hours before re-dosing and took my charcoal out.
Friday night his body is much lighter (now almost tan from green) with the exception of the eyes and in front of the gills, which are still regular color. He's not eating or swimming around, but also not breathing laboriously. Sitting with fins down, not leaning. Very aware.
He is alone in a 50 gallon tank I used to keep octopi in. It has cycled (from blue light to halogen) and grown naturally for 3 1/2 months; there are tons of little animals running around in there, seaweed and algae. Prior to the light switchover, the tank has been set up for 3 years. Two years were regular fish, one was octopi.
I have not bought any corals or other fish yet; it's all natural growth. There are hermit crabs and snails with him.
I did not quarantine him when I bought him because he's the first fish.
I had been feeding the crabs and continued to do so after buying him. I have fed him live and frozen brine, live and frozen bloodworms and emerald entree so far.
Friday night parameters:
1.024 salinity
80 degrees
nitrate 3
nitrite 0
ph 8.4
ammonia 0
alkalinity 300
After looking at the disease pictures, it's clearer than Brooklynella, but that and HLLE are the closest I can find. The lower disease pictures didn't come up though. I'm not sure.

Thank you in advance for your help.
Fishy1 and mandarin


Mandarines have a thick slime coat. He eats copepods. If you do not have very mature LR then you can buy bottled copepods. Once in a while they will eat some frozen mysis, but they cannot live on it. This is not a good choice as a first fish in this tank. Take him back if you can.


Staff member
What kind of tank do have? You should never, ever dose your display tank; and if this fish is in a tank with live rock, as it must be to survive, no meds in tank is doubly important.


My tank is covered with copepods, which is why I need him.
I have a fish only tank now because my guppy had babies and they are in my extra tank. The medicine is supposed to be coral safe.
He looks really good Saturday morning!

His color is totally back and he's swimming around happily. Maybe the medicine worked??