sick ocellaris clown?


New Member
I have 2 small ocellaris clowns in a 75 gal tank (got them 6 weeks ago). For the last few weeks, I've noticed one of them constantly swimming at an upward angle. This one seems more "anxious" than the other one - always nervously swimming around and breathing more rapidly than the other.
He hasn't gotten any thinner or fatter, and his interest in food is only "so-so" compared to the other fish. Its fins aren't picked on, and no other tankmates are bullying it. The other clown seems perfectly relaxed and healthy, and has a nice round belly.
Any ideas? Here's my info...
Tank set up: 8 weeks
Fish: 2 ocellaris clowns, 3 small heniochus added yesterday
Inverts: 1 arrow crab, 1 cleaner shrimp, 2 let. nudibranchs, snails, blueleg hermits.
pH: 8.3
Ammonia: 0.0
Nitrite: 0.0
Nitrate: 20
spec. gravity: 1.023
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks much!


Staff member
When this fish is at rest, do you still notice the heavy breathing? Is the mought gaping? Do you notice if the fish is gilling rapidly?


New Member
When at rest, the breathing calms down. When breathing rapidly, the mouth is not gaping - just opening and closing. No other gill activity seems out of the norm, it just seems so much more nervous and agitated than the other fish. Wish there was more info, it was mainly the swimming at an upward angle and rapid breathing that concerned me.


New Member
ok, he's now starting to look a little thin, and spends most of his time swimming into the current created by a powerhead. Should I hospitalize and treat with something? :help:


Staff member
If you have a QT ready, go ahead and put him in it. Do you have a refractometer? If so, I would go ahead and do hyposalinity just to reduce stress. What really has me concerned is the breathing as clown swiming behavior can be very irradic or odd.
Have a pic?


New Member
I do have a refractometer, so I'll take him to the QT.
Here's a pic of him swimming into the current...


Staff member
Swimming into the current is not really an issue. Is he gasping for breath? Does he eat?


New Member
He doesn't eat a lot, just kind of picks around - generally ignores the food when I add it to the tank, while the other fish all pig out. He isn't gasping for breath - just breathing short, rapid breaths. He's in the QT with SG at 1.019 right now, looking a little better than yesterday. thank you!