sick perc?


Hi guys,
I have a perc that has what looks like a sore near his mouth. It almost looks like a red blemish. He's had it for about a week, and I thought maybe he just bumped into a rock or something. It looked like it was going away, but looking at it today, it seems to be back again.
Also, it's weird but the perc looks like he can't close his mouth. Not that he's trying to, but his mouth is always open now.
Otherwise he is doing well, swimming normal and eating normal...
Could this be a disease or is he sleep-swimming into rocks?


Well-Known Member
doesn't sound good or normal. Is there a white cottonie growth around the mouth or sore?
Anyrate you might try the disease forum here. or perhaps other can help here.


No, I don't see any white cottonie stuff. Just looks like a sore bottom lip. I'll try to take some pictures...
Thanks bob.