sick percula


New Member
I was told to try posting here for help. I'm sorry if I leave out important info. One of my percula clowns is lying sideways most of the time. It's only other two symptoms of sickness are rapid breathing and not eating. I do not see any spots or lines on it. nO fins are missing or look bitten. The other fish are listed below and are fine....they don't bother each other during feeding times either. Only the two clown fish swim the surface or out in the open. I had the LFS check my nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, pH and they said everything was fine. any suggestions. OH, the food is flakes and formula 2. Thanks.


New Member
The water parameters I don't know....I have them done at my LFS, and he didn't tell me the exact numbers. I bought the fish , along with the others in mid-Feb from I've had no problems with any of them. They are not aggressive, and all fish eat. NO other fish have symptoms. This fish is still alive, but is more lethargic with each day. Any doens't eat. There is rapid breathing. any guesses?


Staff member
Do the fish's gills look swollen or red? That diet, for one thing, is not really very good. Also, as a hobbyist, you need get your own test kits, and test the water yourself.
What type of system do you have in terms of filtration? How is the water circulation in your tank? How long has this fish been sick?
Unless you have a QT, there really is not much that can be done for a sick fish.


New Member
I didn't do anything and the fish is back to it's normal self! i was going to do a water change, but our family schedule took all of my extra time, so the next thing i know, I'm feeding the fish and the sick percula is eating . It's swimming around as usual. My husband thinks the fish was laying eggs. Any response?