sick percula


Sorry that I am in the wrong spot, but know one answers in the disease room, thats why I stick with the reef boys and girls,
my percula two days ago had three little white clumps some behind his mouth, and one under his chin. two days later, today, he has just one , but larger white chunky zit looking bump, it has a black dot in the center. can anyone identify this growth, it isnt' ich, or velvert. I am not sure. I wish I had a pic. sorry. if you have pictures or know what it may be and have some treatment methods they would be helpfull
thanks agian, you can always count of the reef builders


New Member
Hi Brock, greetings from Australia, this is the first time for me in this forum or any other for that matter. Sorry to hear about your percula. Sound like a fungus attack to me but I'm not sure. I have had similar problems but not as bad as it sounds in your case. I cured the disease with a product called 'Waterlife Marine Cuprazin' trouble is its English and not sure if its available in the US. The stuff worked very fast and completly cured the fish. The treatement is not safe for inverts and corals and must be used only in a hospital tank. (tank and other accessories CAN NOT be used again EVER for anything else except treatement. This is the only medication that I found that has actually worked in this fungus disease. I found disease usually appeared with a new arrival put straight into the tank, no quarantine period. Its seems to have a little to do with water quality also. At that stage of the game I was using natural salt water. Probably importing other germs into the system also. Hovever any disease seems to pick on the percula/ocellaris first. They also don't appear to have much time available to get it under control. One other thing comes to mind stress as in being the lone clown in the tank. They are a schooling fish in nature living in large colonies. They seem to do a lot better when they have a least one other mate to squable with. Good luck Dirk


hey dirk, thanks for th einfo, I am waiting on more funds, adn I am going to place and order with and get another clown, but I figured I would wait and see if he makes it first, to know If I need one or in the worst case two more. he is living fine sofare, jsut has that bump. so wee will see, thanks for the reply