Sick Raccoon Butterfly


I recently purchased a Raccoon Buttery fly from my LFS about 1 month ago. So i was about to put him in the DT when i noticed he has white tissue exposed and now his fins are completely gone. What could this be?I'm so lost i don't think its ick or fin rot.



Staff member
What are you feeding this fish, and how often? Is that a QT? Other fish in the tank? Is the white spot a bump?


Originally Posted by Beth
What are you feeding this fish, and how often? Is that a QT? Other fish in the tank? Is the white spot a bump?
He only eats Mysis and Brine shrimp once a day, he is in QT with 3 damsels and Ive never noticed them picking on him ever.
Its like a layer of skin thats white. no bumps or spots.


Active Member
My first inclination is that the damsels may be bothering the fish when you are not around.
How are the water levels? Butterflies want absolutely pristine conditions.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
My first inclination is that the damsels may be bothering the fish when you are not around.
How are the water levels? Butterflies want absolutely pristine conditions.
Last checked 8 hours ago.
PH = 8.1
I'm thinking that she is rubbing on the rocks because the damsels are very small( not that the size of them matters) What do you think i should do? I put abit of Stress Coat in there. Copper a choice?


Staff member
I'm sure the damsels are nipping her fins. They look like they are nipped.
Also, you need to provide this fish with better, more varied, and more frequent feedings. Add zoecon to 1 meal a day.
The fish may be getting HLLE due to stress in the environment (damsels).


Originally Posted by Beth
I'm sure the damsels are nipping her fins. They look like they are nipped.
Also, you need to provide this fish with better, more varied, and more frequent feedings. Add zoecon to 1 meal a day.
The fish may be getting HLLE due to stress in the environment (damsels).
Is that the same as garlic xtreme?
Its weird when she eats she sucks the shrimp in munches on it then spits it out and then does the same thing on the next one.
I wish i could get rid of the damsels but no place to put em :(


Zoecon is not the same as garlic xtreme. Pick up some frozen blend foods or make your own. Brine and mysis are no where near good enough. As mentioned, you can give the damsels to your LFS.