Sick Sebae Clownfish???

aqua blue

I have a Sebae Clownfish that was a new addition about 5 days ago. It seemed to adjust well after the first day of confrontations from a larger Sebae Clownfish that I wanted to pair it up with. It had a few torn fins from that first day but they had healed by the third day. It had been eating well during this time.
Today it did not eat. It spit out the few bites that it tried. It has started to scratch itself against the sand some and will practically lay on top of my hermit crabs with it's mouth open wide like it thinks they are cleaner shrimp.
Apparently it has some sort of parasite or gill fluke bothering it. Would it help to add a cleaner shrimp? Or would it be better to put it in another tank to treat it? If so what type of treatment would be advisable?
All advice is appreciated.:(


Staff member
Well, you're going to have to know what it has before administering a treatment. It could be ich, or perhaps it is oodinium. Is the fish gasping? Are the gills swollen? See any speaks?
If you have a hospital tank, then I'd go ahead a move the fish over to it.

aqua blue

There are not any visible specks. It seems to be laboring more to breath than the other fish. It opens it's mouth more often while breathing. It will swim around tank when I approach it but it later returns to the bottom front of tank where a hermit crab is near and opens it's mouth wide and flares it's gills while sitting on or laying against the crab.
I don't have a qt tank running right now. Can I use some of the water and one of the filter sponges from the existing tank to start the qt?