sick sebae


New Member
My Sebea seems to be not eating. It was doing very well for a year or so and now it grabs the shrimp that i feed it and lets go after 10 minutes or so. is there any thing i can do to get it;s appetite back?


Originally Posted by kjorg
My Sebea seems to be not eating. It was doing very well for a year or so and now it grabs the shrimp that i feed it and lets go after 10 minutes or so. is there any thing i can do to get it;s appetite back?
Let's try to figure out why he isn't eating. What are your exact water readings? Have you seen anything picking on him? Any new additions?


New Member
nitrates 0, nitirites 0, ph 8.2, ammonia almost 0, phosphates .05...i did however have a slight issue with lighting but purchased a new light with 65 watts each daylight and blue actinic bulbs. same as i had before with him for 10 months or so. i did add a cinamon clown to the tank bu the clown that is paired with the sebae keeps the cinamon away. does this help?..need any more info?