sick starfish??


New Member
Hello Can someone please help. I've had my tank for about 6mths now it is a 55gallon. I got a chocolate chip starfish last weekend and now it has a white spot on it's underside and it looks like it's orange coloring on top is also turning white. I noticed the spot a few days ago I tried to upload a picture but my computer is stupid and I dont' think it worked. Here are my levels, I took them yesterday.
Gravity 1.022
Nitrite .05
Alkalinity "normal"
Ammonia .25
Nitrate not too sure how to read it on the right side of the color strip it says high 12.5 left side says low 2.5
I was reading some of the other posts and they said something about feeding the starfish, this sounds kind of dumb but how do you feed it the fish store told me they just eat the alge on the tank.
please help :help:


just put a small piece of raw shrimp near it,or if you have any other raw frozen meaty seafood.Make sure it's a small piece.


New Member
Thanks Katara I fed him some brine shrimp. I have posted this in the Diseased forum. I wasn't sure how to move this post or how to close it :notsure: .
Thanks again for your help


Just an FYI I had a Chocolate chip starfish, and it didnt seem to eat any algae at all, it fet on my mushrooms and an anenome. hehe, little bugger!