sick yellow tang


Hello-Tonight I noticed my tang was hanging out on the bottom of the tank behind the rocks-usually only does that after the lights are out. He appears thin (always has though) and lethargic. Had him for about 3 months. He usually eats well, brine/mysis/romaine lettuce/zucchini and flake food-pretty much whatever I put in the tank. No other signs of illness and his color is good. This is just not like him and he was fine this afternoon. I did notice some of my live rock had toppled over-wonder if he was struck-but I dont see any abrasions on him. 0 ammonia and nitrite, 8.2 ph, .025, with a temp of 80. Not sure if I should pull him out and into the qt. Any ideas or similar incidents would be appreciated!


my cuz got almost the same and his friend tell hin don't get the water to 80 is better if u kip u fihs at 72-76 well there resolv my cuz problem it may work on urs i don't know. all depends what kind the fish u got.:notsure:


Active Member

Originally posted by reese
He appears thin (always has though) and lethargic. Had him for about 3 months. He usually eats well, brine/mysis/romaine lettuce/zucchini and flake food-pretty much whatever I put in the tank.

I would be wondering about nutrition. All the foods you mentioned have only marginal nutritional value. Instead of using romaine, I would suggest feeding Nori on a veggie clip. A yellow tang which eats well should be getting appreciably fatter within three months. You might also soak the food with Zoecon to get some essential lipids into the fish's diet.


I dont think I can get her to eat anything. I put some garlic supplement in today which didnt help. She is now lying on her side looking worse. I dont want to take her out because I think that will kill her for sure. I would like to try to catch her and put her in a breeder net on the side of the tank where I can try to feed her again. Right now, she is behind my reef-I dont know how Im going to get her out if she dies without taking my it all apart.