sick yellow tang.


New Member
i just bought a yellow tang monday. next 2 days he was doing fine , starting to eat fine. he looked real healthy at lfs fins perfect no spots at all. then i wake up thur morning and he has what looks like bruising color in the meat by his tailfin and a little at the rear half of his body. maybe scratching but his skin was not damaged and he was not rubbing up anything . also he was breathing fast. he died 6 hours later , no spots on him at all. anybody have a clue ? from healthy good looking fish to dead in such a short period ? if it was ich couldnt see it , and not enough time to qt . 55 with just shrimp and crabs , ground probe , 80 temp, 0 amm.,triteand trates, 30ppt salinity(1203) 8.1 ph, 1''cc, large dead coral deco, small chunk lr, skimmer , can filter,emp bio wheel. tank up since feb03, fishless since june5.


New Member
no fish, just shrimp and crab. Nothing added since beginning of June although i did have 2 sallylightfoots die mysteriosly but hermits and 1 emerald crab and 4 shrimp are doing fine . thanks for replying


Staff member
Was the brusing redish, perhaps with some streaks to it? This is pretty common with yellow tangs. Usually reducing stress and a water change takes care of it, but it could have also have been a bacterial infection which just overtook him.
I would leave the tank fishless for a month.


New Member
yes the brusing was reddish with streaks , the lfs got their shipment in 3 days before maybe to much stress, but i will definetly wait another month and do water change, it just took me by suprise how fast it went sick. thanks again beth.