Sign here if you've captured a Damsel


Active Member
I can catch mine pretty easy. they beg for foood at thhe top of thhe tank and with a larrge net I place it in a hour before I feed them and then when they think its breakffast time I puut my food over thhe tank andd wham I have three damsels within seconds all int he same net. They have ccalmed ddown though as I bought a new gobie yesterday and he does not put up with any crap. He is mouth wide open when they get near him and he is showing he wont put up with any crap. They stay clear of his area and I just got him last night.
Try hand feeding your fish and leaving the net in prior so they are used to seeing it and whamo fish be caught.


i had one that was beating up everything in my tank, it took a while to catch him but the food trick got him. I took him over to a buddys aggressive tank and thought that he wouldnt last long...i was wrong after about a week of it beating up his fish i think he flushed it. i was just hoping he was going to be food. but the grouper, lion and puffer were no match for the damsel